Jun 2, 2023LLM (Large Love Model)True love, love that is unattenuated by human limitations, has only recently been discovered
Apr 4, 2023Restaurant Review - FeloniusThe idea of a restaurant where everything you eat was personally stolen by the waiter, busboy, or sous-chef was too interesting to ignore.
Mar 25, 2023Restaurant Review - MetaboliciousYou don’t just visit Metabolicious for a meal. A day before your reservation, you visit the restaurant for an oral physiognomic analysis
Mar 19, 2023Were humans involved? Content labels for digital mediaThe AI-dominated future is here, so we might-as-well settle in and figure out how to live in it. Moving forward, what I’m going to want...
Mar 8, 2023Why do starship bridge consoles explode? I asked a Time Travelling starship designer.Why are starship control consoles so prone to exploding during combat? The answer is surprising, and mildly NSFW!
Jan 17, 2022The Extreme Danger of Living ResponsiblyDavid Turner canceled his plans so he could stay home and “catch up on a few things”. This responsible decision ruined his life.
Jan 7, 2022Story - Hyper-Red Regional Catastrophe Alert: near-certainty of immediate death, response level WolfHyper-Red Regional Catastrophe Alert: near-certainty of immediate death, response level Wolf. - Final transmission from FEMA, 4/4/2096